An Ages Old Gaming Quote
"If you're encountering enemies, you're going the right way." If you've been on the Internet enough, you will have heard this phrase. It's a tip to players of role-playing games (RPGs). But have you ever thought about how this is a metaphor for life?

Revelation in 2020 (Part 1)
I'm actually quite glad I finally got around to writing more about the Bible, but in today's post I'll sound like a conspiracy theorist. Because the truth is, all we can do right now is guess. There's nothing definitive, but here are a few theories for how 2020 could spell out the end of the world.

Re: The US Gov't is Fascist
This post is about Antifa, the newest Black Lives Matter protests, and the President's careless response to the situation. It makes me very mad to see everyone misunderstanding.

Does Remote Learning Compare?
The Great Quarantine of 2020 has taken a toll on all of us. Groups and institutions, such as schools and churches, have been hurt too. For many, school was moved online for the rest of the semester in March. How does this move to online school affect the education of students?

Dahlia OS, the First Fuchsia Fork
If you've been watching the Fuchsia community, you may have noticed another OS thrown around here and there: Dahlia, named after the flower. This raises questions such as, "If it's mature enough to fork, why isn't it mature enough to release?" and, "How come they wanted to fork it?"

An Exploration in Experiences
Since I last checked up on Fuchsia, Google's experimental new operating system, there has been a notable restructuring of Fuchsia's repositories. The shells, which were previously under the "topaz" layer, have been moved to their own repository: "experiences."

COVID-19's Effects
Joked about while it was starting in late 2019 as the plague of the 2020s to be akin to the Black Plague and other plagues in decades' 20s, the coronavirus has spread over the last few months to the world, making it no joke. Everyone's in a frenzy about it, but what is it, and why?

Bad for Games, Good for its Purpose: Oculus Go
Whenever you're watching, say, WWE matches, they advertise that you can watch them in VR. I, then, thought that there was much more to VR than just games. Nevertheless, I had always wanted to play Minecraft in VR. So when I got an Oculus Go for Christmas, I immediately had to try it out.

What does Federation Mean?
I'm not talking about the United Federation of Planets, but instead something that is real today. You've probably heard me talk about this quite a bit already, and I'm going to talk about it again. The problem is Zuckerburg and Twitter, and the solution: Federation.

Independence is a Lie
Why do you celebrate on the fourth of July? Is it because of America's independence from the tyranny of the King? Is it because you have freedom of religion, or speech, or expression? Or do you just love to celebrate, no matter what the season? But where is the independence in America?