The Republican Party is Full of Sadists
Considering the various bills that Republican Congressmen have been writing, it's already impossible to assume good-will from the Republican party. Repeated lies with blatant disregard for expertise or experience prove that they are not concerned about the people. It's easy to assume that they have a lust for power or a greed for wealth, but how does hurting trans youth or women contribute to your power or wealth? Those are the typical symptoms of a sadist — or worse, a creature from Hell.

Human Rights in America: Not as They Seem
The United States of America has always had an apparent love for human rights. Before independence, the American colonists felt they had a God-given right to a voice in what affects them. In modern times, "freedom of speech", among others, is a hot-button topic. However, our penchant for rights was only an illusion to begin with. How far from our claim to love human rights are we?

Revelation in 2020 (Part 2)
In the last part, I explored the possibilities for what events can categorize the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and the events described when the Fifth Seal was opened. Now I'll explore more of the potential candidates that could be signs, and part of the end.

Revelation in 2020 (Part 1)
I'm actually quite glad I finally got around to writing more about the Bible, but in today's post I'll sound like a conspiracy theorist. Because the truth is, all we can do right now is guess. There's nothing definitive, but here are a few theories for how 2020 could spell out the end of the world.