What software do I use?
A lot of technology people like to share the devices and programs they use. I'm no exception, and I like to spread the word about great technology, so here is a list of some software I recommend you to use.

Trump's Impeachment: Hunter Biden
If you've been around the news recently, you've heard that Donald Trump is the target of an impeachment scheme. I've decided to read the transcript for myself and here are some of my thoughts.

What is the Holochain?
What is the blockchain? I had this question myself, so I did a bit of research to find the answer. I was rummaging the Internet for no reason again when I found Holochain.

Keybase Is Centralized
I'm sure if you've been around the Internet a time or two, you've heard of Keybase. It's a great little tool that allows you to verify your identity across several websites, encrypt, decrypt, and sign data with your own key online, and even chat and send files. What could go wrong?

Is IPFS a Worthy Web 3.0 Contender?
In an optimal world, everyone will own their data and be fully responsible for it. Several technologies are arising to bring about "Web 3.0," such as IPFS. Is it worth it? Could it be better?

News Commentary
Trump's Impeachment: Crowdstrike and Hillary's Missing Emails
Trump wants to know who has Hillary's missing emails. According to him, Ukraine has the server with Hillary's emails that suddenly went missing in 2016. Is it his job to make sure the server is found? Is it grounds for impeachment?